Paper Presentation Tips for Board Exams

Paper Presentation Tips for Board Exams 
Paper Presentation Tips for board exams

  1. At the centre of paper highlight the section with capital letters.
  2. Keep your handwriting neat and clean I am not saying to beautify your writing but keep your answer sheet neat and clean that will probably affect your writing skills.
  3. In 2 marks question write only 2 points answers.
  4. In 6 marks question first of all make flow charts ,write 6 headings with capital letters  by underlining it.
  5. In 8 marks question first of all flowchart is necessary , write 8 headings with capital letter by underlining it and make subheading also if possible, avoid writing in paragraph.
  6. There should be appropriate space between each and every word and should be minimum 8 to 10 words in each line.
  7. Try to underline question number so that it would be easily visible to the examiner or write your question number at the top of the page.
  8. Underline the main keywords in each and every answer specially in 8 and  6 markers and do this work while doing paper not after finishing paper.
  9. After each and every long question whether it is 6 or 8 markers leave at least two line space and then start your next question.
  10. At last don't forget to revise your answer and this you can only do by solving your paper at home in limited time period.

Paper Presentation Tips for Board exam
Topper's answersheet from Google

Paper Presentation Tips for Board Exams
Topper's answersheet from Google
